As Conner grows and his needs change, my routine will change to accommodate those needs.
A large portion of my day is filled with taking care of our newborn- feeding, changing diapers, and entertaining. Since my day is determined by Conner's eating and sleeping, I cannot plan out an hour by hour routine. Instead, I have created a short list of things that I need to accomplish each day and each week. Each day I will try to accomplish the daily tasks and one task for the week.
Take at least 1 nap
(getting enough sleep and staying healthy is at the top of my list!)
Read Scriptures
Prepare Meals
(I will be sticking to easy meals & Daniel will take his turn helping with dinners)
Do dishes
(I will be doing a little drafting on the side to help out my boss as he finds a replacement for me)
Pick up Apartment
Choose 1 Activity Each Day:
Grocery Shopping
Laundry (2-3 days a week)
Cleaning Apartment (bathroom, kitchen, dust & vacuum)
Work on Craft Project
I plan to do most of my reading and blogging while feeding Conner. Daniel has been great to help out with Conner and projects that I need help with.
I will try this routine and see how it goes. My goal is to stay positive and productive as I transition to being a stay at home mom.

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