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May 17, 2010

Cooking from Scratch: Cutting Cost & Prep Time

In general, I would say that I enjoy cooking.  I enjoy the satisfaction of making something delicious with my own hands.  I also love enjoyng good food without putting a dent in our savings plan.

The only problem that I have had with cooking from scratch is the amount of prep time it can take.  Daniel & I have researched & experimented with several ways to spend less time cooking & keep our grocery budget low.  This week I will be posting a few things that have worked for us, and my latest time/money saving idea.

Things That Work For Us

Menu Planning
Having a menu plan helps us to be prepared.  We know what we will eat each evening & that we have the ingredients for that item.  We can plan around busy days by picking something simple & quick.  We can also plan our meals based on what we have.  This encourages us to use our food storage instead of purchasing new things for dinner every day. 

Freezer Cooking
I have never made a month of meals in one day like many people who participate in freezer cooking, but I do try to have at least one meal in the freezer at a time, just in case.  If I am making a caserol type dish, I make two and freeze one.  When I make rolls, I cook what we will eat and I freeze the rest to use throughout the month.  It only takes a minute to make a little extra food, and it is so nice to have a few quick meals on hand.

Next- A way to keep variety in your menu with fewer ingredients.

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