The Small Victories
My husband & I spent a large portion of the day looking at appartments in Idaho Falls. We want to move closer to work to save money in gas & time in commuting. All logic says that we should move to Idaho Falls, but it will be hard to leave Rexburg! We have friends & family here, and we love our appartment! It will be hard to find a replacement.Because we spent the majority of the day driving around, I did not feel very productive- but I got free pasta!! Sometimes you have to focus on the little victories in life. Daniel & I will not need to buy pasta for quite some time. That is a victory.
Victory Two- we only went grocery shopping at one store this week!
See Details Here
A friend & I split a basket of produce from Bountiful Baskets. This was my first time trying it- and I was very excited. You pay $16.50 (+$3 your first time) & get a basket full of produce. I will have pictures and more details for you next week. Here is what was included in our basket:
Sweet Potatoes
I am not very good at buying vegetables & planning them into our meals. I decided that if I have vegies, I will plan them into my meals. I am excited to see how our menu plan turns out.
Total we spent $19.36 this week. I planned to go to Walgreens- but I was too worn out from our appartment search. It looks like there are a lot of great deals next week at Walgreens!
It is almost the end of the Month. Next week I will be updating you on how we are comming on our financial goals.

Visit the Savers Bungalow to see how other bargin shoppers did this week.
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