I spent half of our budget in the first week of the month, which cut down on my shopping for the rest of the month. We were able to stock up on cereal & pasta- yippee!
Sorry that I don't have any pictures! I have been a slacker. :D
I have fallen in love with Winco's bulk food section. It has been a challenge to restrain from trying everything! This month we stocked up on my new favorite pancake mix & a few spices at Winco. We were also able to get bananas, oranges, and milk there.
Total Spent: $13.24
McCormick Spices $1.00
- $1.00 off coupon!
Frozen Chicken @ $1.88 per lb.
-$5.00 from previous trip
Total Spent: $1.04
Fred Mayer
We were having a BBQ with some friends. Luckily Fred Mayer had Hamburger on sale! (this was 2 weeks ago). I was able to make a bunch of hamburger patties & freeze them for later in the summer. I also froze some hamburger for Tacos.
93% lean Hamburger @ 1.99 per lb.
Hamburger buns
Total: $8.93

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