Total Spent: $6.71
One of the big adjustments of living in a smaller town is not being able to go to the store every time there is a great deal. Luckily we had plans to be in Pocatello today, so I was able to swing by Walgreens and get a few things.
I did 6 transactions and bought 15 items for a grand total of $6.71. ($2.26 was tax) I was pretty excited. I admitt, I am addicted to getting great deals. The whole way home from Pocatello I kept thinking of scenarios that would allow me to get even more items for pennies. We will see if I can justify a trip to Pocatello before the deals end on Saturday. Here is a list of what I purchased:
(1) Almay Make up Remover
(1) Almay Mascera
(1) Almay Conceler
(2) Method Hand Soap
(1) Laytex Cleaning Gloves
(1) Comet Cleaner
(2) Always Odor Lock Packs
(2) Hunts Tomatoe Sauce
(1) Morton Salt
(2) Special K Cereal
(Daniel was a great sport to take me to Walgreens, so I used my left over Register Rewards to get him cereal. I was able to use a $1.00/2 coupon from
1 Dozen Eggs
See a list of the deals match ups here.
I was excited to be albe to get such a great deal on cosmetics while getting so many other items that I will use- eggs, cereal, cleaner, and feminine care products. The drug store game takes a little work and patients, but it can really save you a lot of money!

Nice work!